Holy World leo genereux 08Sept2015
Where darkness was I look upon the light,
I look upon the light.
My weary eyes are opening at last,
Opening at last.
A holy world awaits us,
When sight's finally restored
Gone is all our misery,
And suffering is no more,
No more, no more.
The light is here for us to look upon,
For us to look upon.
Vision rights darkness into light,
Darkness into light.
All fear must disappear
When fearless love has come
As we forgive our blinding ideas
All brothers become one
Become one.
It's a holy world, holy world
Behind the ego dance it's a holy world
Holy world, holy world
Behind the 'evil' trance it's a holy world
The darkness was our own imaginings
Our own imaginings
There's a song of light,
For all of us to sing, all of us to sing.
A holy world awaits us,
When sight's finally restored
The age of war has passed away
And nightmares are no more
No more, no more.
It's a holy world, holy world
Behind the ego dance it's a holy world
Holy world, holy world
Behind the 'evil' trance it's a holy world
Holy, holy, holy, holy,
Holy World.
Inspired by A Course in Miracles. Workbook Lesson 302.
This Way leo genereux 27Dec2015
The journey without distance into the timeless now
Begins the instant I admit I really don't know how
How to know what love is like beyond the clouds of fear
Beyond the game of hungry names that I hold so dear.
Through the veils that seem like walls that hold me slave to time
Far beyond my desperate dance; the sad 'life' I call mine
Beyond the self I think I am by pain and sorrow torn
I'm waking up to realize I've been dreaming all along.
Certainty is not found in a world of change
Wisdom lies beyond our feeble range.
This way, brother this way
Lay your heavy burden down, and follow this way
This way, brother this way
Freedom here is found
Right here today.
Loneliness that seemed so real, simply is no more
That gentle Voice guides me to the place beyond all war
To the stillness and the peace of my changeless being
Where all my brothers are joined with me
In a whole new way of seeing.
The journey without distance where all my troubles fade
Begins the instant I'm aware I never really strayed
I can feel what love is like beyond the clench of fear
Beyond the game of hungry names that I held so dear.
Happiness is not found on a battleground
A gentle Voice whispers without sound:
This way, brother this way
Take off that thorny crown, and follow this painless way
This way, brother this way
Needless to mess around
It's right here today.
This way, brother this way
Liberation waits your OK. no need to delay.
This way, this gentle, loving way
Just cancel your crucifixion,
And follow this way.
This way. This way.-
Inspired by A Course in Miracles. T-8.VI.9;T-11.III.4; W-p1.182.
Love Alone leo genereux 27Mar16
Insane it is to give thanks
That someone would suffer more than I
Equally insane to refrain from thanking
The limitless Love that heals all pain
I offer thanks not because
My brother is more a slave than I
For it will never be that some are free
While others still are bound.
Due to Love alone is my gratitude
For it makes all cause of sadness disappear
Love alone.
Love alone is my attitude
For it makes all cause of madness disappear, Love alone.
Love alone love alone letting go all my sorrows
Because of love alone
Love alone love alone lighting up my tomorrows.
Love alone
My thanks makes room for all
That will escape with me;
The sick, the weak, the needy
The lost and greedy, all will escape.
My thanks makes room for all
That will escape with me
Those who suffer cold and hunger
The haters and warmongers all the refugees.
Due to love alone is my gratitude
For it makes all cause of conflict disappear
Love alone
Love alone is my attitude
For it makes all cause of heartbreak disappear
Love alone.
Love Alone love alone all conflict disappear
Because of love alone
Love Alone love alone all heartbreak disappear
Due to love alone.
I thank the One for the truth of the Son
From no living thing am I apart
I thank the One because our wholeness
Is the completion of every heart.
No exceptions can there be
For exclusion would unity destroy
And nothing can assail the Love that was given
To all of us in joy.
Love Alone love alone all conflict disappear
Because of love alone
Love Alone love alone all heartbreak disappear
Due to love alone.
Love, love alone, love, love alone, love alone, love alone
Pain and sorrow disappear because of love alone.
Inspired by, and paraphrased from W-pI.195 of A Course in Miracles.
Much Mistaken leo genereux 25/Dec/16
The Son of God is all of us
All of us are God's Son
We are what holiness is
Unchanging eternal Love.
The evil world that we see
We dreamed up to conceal
Our wish to be unwholly
Sons of the unreal.
Much mistaken. much mistaken
Son of God you have not sinned
But you have been mistaken.
Much mistaken.
Much mistaken.
The unreal cannot be
For truth cannot be changed
An ocean of madness
Does not make madness sane.
Fear is what we choose
When love is what we fear
Our choice to be lonely
Keeps love from coming near.
Much mistaken. much mistaken
Son of God you have not sinned
But you have been mistaken.
Much mistaken.
Much mistaken.
Guilt make dreams seem real
So guilt we gladly bear
Wearing the guilt that we feel
To prove that we are here.
But Love's touch awaits our choice to wake
From nightmares that we chose to make
Belief in sin could never mar
The truth of who we are.
Much mistaken. much mistaken
Son of God you have not sinned
But you have been mistaken.
Much mistaken. much mistaken
Son of God you have not sinned
But you have been mistaken. (2X)
Much mistaken.
Much mistaken.
Inspired by, and paraphrased from A Course In Miracles. T-10.VI.
Received leo genereux 11Jan2017
I am responsible for what I see.
I chose the feelings I experience,
And I decided on
The goal I would achieve.
And everything that seems to happen to me
I asked for.
And received, received,
And received as I had asked.
I am responsible for what I see.
I chose the feelings I experience,
And I decided on
the goal I would achieve.
And everything that seems to happen to me
I asked for.
And received, received,
And received as I had asked.
I am responsible for what I see.
I chose the feelings I experience,
and I decided on
The goal I would achieve
And everything that seems to happen to me
I asked for.
And received, received
And received as I had asked.
And received, received
And received as I had asked.
I am responsible.
Lyrics from A Course in Miracles. T-21.II.2:3-5
Spinner leo genereux 24Aug2017
When I catch myself judging again
I remember it's time for the spinner
A smile inside, a smooth, easy glide
Above the war zone that I'm in.
He shows me this war that I'm itchin' for
Is really a dead duck design
Picking a fight to prove that I'm right
Is a dropkick waste of time.
The motive behind all my battle lines
The spinner makes me well aware
I'm brutal because I'm eager to find
A target for my hidden fears.
But who is the self that's so fearful?
And who is the judge of this self?
Both are one, one and the same,
A little guy calling for help.
That's when I feel the healing breeze,
And let the spin begin.
Spinner, come on, spin again
Put another spin on my self negations
Spinner, spin me again
Put another spin on me.
Spinner, come on, spin again
Put another spin on my incantations
Spinner, spin me again
Put another spin on me.
The spinner waits deep, deep within
Just beyond my nightmare of cares
Every trial I seem to find myself in
With a little spin they all disappear.
This mad little self that's condemning
all with such intensity
Can be replaced by the self that sees
A world that's conflict free.
That's when I feel the healing breeze,
The easiness of Your spin.
Spinner, come on, spin again
Spin me free of my aggravations
Spinner, spin me again
Put another spin on me.
Spinner, come on spin again
Spin me free of my mad fixations
Spinner, spin me again
Put a peaceful spin on me.
Spinner, spinner, spinner
Put another spin on me
Spinner, spinner, spinner
Put another spin on me.
Put another spin on me
Put another spin on me.
Lyrics inspired by the principles of A Course In Miracles.
Life Is leo genereux 25Sept2015
I saw a light in a vision
Last night within my dungeon walls
Eternal brightness of Life spoke to me
I'm not abandoned after all.
The dream of dark dungeons is over
The lonely pain need not go on
Forgiven are all my illusions
Confusion, guilt and fear are gone
Gone, gone, gone.
Life is laughing
Life is joy
Life forgives the silly boy
For forgetting what Life Is.
Life is living
Life is sweet
So light it lifts me off my feet
That's what Life is.
Life is loving
Life is yes
Life is letting everyone
Share in Its happiness.
Life is certain
Life is bliss
Life is freeing every being
Of his separateness. La-la-la-la-la-la-la........
I saw a light in a vision
Last night within my dungeon walls
Eternal brightness of Life spoke to me
I'm not abandoned after all.
The dream of dark dungeons is over
The lonely pain need not go on
Forgiven are all my illusions
Confusion, guilt and fear are gone
Gone, gone, gone.
Life is caring
Life is kind
Life is healing the worried mind
Of what it thinks life is.
Life is forever,
Life is the light
Life's eternal brightness
Ends the dungeon dream of night.
Life is formless
Life is free
The spirit of Life is
The one and only true reality.
Life is laughing
Life is joy
Life forgives this silly boy
For forgetting what life is.
Life Is, Life Is.
Life Is, Life Is.
Lyrics inspired by A Course In Miracles.
The Safety Net Blues leo genereux 18Jun2016
To keep my little self secure
I have a safety net
The substance of this net is fear
For beyond is certain death.
The body I believe I am
Is my protection from
Falling through the safety net
Into the only One.
With sadness as an ally
And grievance as a friend
With hidden hates and secret sins
My little self defends.
Safety net
Not what it seems to be
Safety net
Safe in my fake reality
Safety net.
Safety net
Safety net.
My net is made of judgments
Kept taut with constant strain
Overlaid with anger
And reinforced with pain.
But I'm learning that my safety net
Is but a spider's web
And I am just a hopeless fly
Entangled in my dread.
And every time I try to move
The more stuck I become
Pasted to the muck
That I could be a special one.
Safety net
Not what it seems to be
Safety net
Keeps me 'sane' in my insanity
Safety net.
Safety net
Safety net.
The game of self-deception
Is this fearful dream of death
The suffocating victim
Of my own safety net.
Within this net is conflict
Without the net is peace
Fear is but my bondage
And love is my release.
Safety lies beyond believing
In my damning lies
For Truth denies the 'truth'
Of my nightmare of demise.
Safety net
Not what it seems to be
Safety net
Keeps me safe in my misery
Safety net. (4X)
Lyrics inspired by A Course in Miracles. W-pI.167; M-27;T-18.VI.2-7.
This Instant Is The Only Time leo genereux 13Aug15
Yesterday's clouds fill my mind
Leaving no room for this instant
Blindsided by my belief in time
The logic of time seems consistent;
The past is the scene of the sin
That's why I feel guilty today
And sure enough because of my misbehaving
The future is where I will pay. But,
This instant is the only time there is
This instant is the only time
The only time there is
This instant is the only time there is
This instant is the only time
The only time there is.
The rules of time rely on fear
Drowning each ripple of joy
The only break I get from my guilty aches
Is when anger and blame are my toys.
And so goes my life day to day;
A sad race to that finish line.
Aging and illness are rattling my cage
Imagining I'm trapped in time. But,
This instant is the only time there is
This instant is the only time
The only time there is
This instant is the only time there is
This instant is the only time
The only time there is.
A gentle Guide within my mind
Returns me to where time began
To get liberation from this mad fixation
By remembering who I really Am.
Now is the only time there is
And it is now that I am redeemed
My only real need is self forgiveness
For making up such awful dreams.
This instant is the only time there is
This instant is the only time
The only time there is
This instant is the only time there is
This instant is the only time
The only time there is. (2X)
Lyrics inspired by A Course In Miracles. * W-pII.308.
Where Nothing Goes leo genereux 16May2017
An idea sprang, as ideas do, from the Father's Son
A crazy thought that would not go away;
How would it be to go beyond where nothing goes
To explore the void where only nothing strays?
What could lie beyond the gates where nothing lies beyond?
Curiosity impelled the Son
And because his will is free, he chose insanity
And he seemed to leave the shared Kingdom of One.
And He went falling, falling into deep sleep
Dreaming what could never be
Falling, falling into deep sleep
Dreaming that He changed reality.
Falling into restless sleep, the Son became the sons
Time and space replaced eternity
They found themselves on fire, burning with desire
To each be king of everything they see.
For they have fallen, fallen into deep sleep
Dreaming what could never be
Fallen, fallen into deep sleep
Dreaming that they changed reality.
To rid the hurting in their hearts they all feel a need
But as one ache recedes another bleeds
Every pleasure brings them pain in this world of guilt and blame
There's no escape from their unholy creed.
And they are rolling, rolling in a deep sleep
Tossing and turning in a bed of misery
Rolling, rolling in a deep sleep
Dreaming up a world of vanity.
Believing in our fantasy is keeping us asleep
Tired and worn we struggle and we strain
But without our dream of fear, Love is still the same
Paradise is where we still remain.
But still we're trolling, trolling in a deep sleep
Tossing and turning in our travesty
Trolling, trolling in a deep sleep
Dreaming up a world that could not be.
My wish to give up everything was my one mistake
Everything is all I ever need
So now I choose again, I'm calling on my Friend
To help me wake up from my nothing dream.
And so I'm calling, calling from my deep sleep
No longer longing for the dream I chose
Calling, calling from my deep sleep
To awaken from the dream where nothing goes.
And so we're calling, calling from my deep sleep
No longer longing for the dream we chose
Calling, calling from our deep sleep
To awaken from the dream where nothing goes.
Awaken from the dream where nothing goes. (2X)
Lyrics inspired by A Course in Miracles. T-2.I.1-5., T-27.VIII.6:2-5.
Here We Are leo genereux 29June1982
Here we are again my friend
Left all our stuff behind us
Singing as we roll along
A love song to remind us.
We pay no mind to yesterday
Tomorrow will come and find us
Today's the only place to be
Our home is where we are.
Here we are my friend
Here we are
Here we are again
It's all been said before.
Here we are my friend
Here we are
Here we are again.
There's no need to say more.
In the busy noise and hurry
We sometimes lose our way
But there's a quiet place inside,
Where we can always stay
We feel the gentle summer breeze
We see the eagle soar
We hear the laughter of the trees
We touch forevermore.
Here we are my friend
Here we are
Here we are again
It's all been said before.
Here we are my friend
Here we are
Here we are again
There's no need to say more.
It doesn't matter where we are
In any kind of weather
We share our love with everyone
We're all in it together.
So here we are again my friend
Left all our stuff behind us
Singing as we roll along
Here we are again
Singing as we roll along
Here we are again. (etcetera)
Inspired by the perennial wisdom found in A Course in Miracles.